7 Habits To Be A Better Person And Be Happy

I was clueless and felt lost after I graduated from college and started working. This must be what they call “the real life”. There is no more curriculum and manual to follow, you are on your own. This might be terrifying, but on the brighter side, you are the captain and architect of your own life. You may set dreams/goals and freely choose what to learn in order to make it a reality. These 7 habits to be a better person and be happy is a good foundation.

7 Habits to be a Better Person and Be Happy
7 Habits to be a Better Person and Be Happy

To start, I wanted to improve my life and my career so I searched online and found this book as highly recommended. I also saw this book on the desk of managers in the company I am working with. I learned that it was part of a training only offered to managers. It is an affirmation how good is this book so I bought a copy. And by the way, it has sold over 25 million copies.You may also get a copy of the book here.

I can say that the lessons from this book has helped me positively in life and career significantly. This book is over 350 pages so I have summarized it for you in simple and practical tips.You may also get an audio book of this Seven Habits of Highly Effective People here.

Habit 1: Be proactive

There were times I came late in a meeting and the first thing that came to my mind is to blame the traffic. Traffic is really within the circle of my concern, but I cannot do something about it. So will traffic justify being late? Of course not, I could have anticipated that and have worked on things that are within my circle of influence such as sleeping early the night before so I can wake up earlier and be on time. 

To sum it up, being proactive is being able to respond or being responsible. The act of being proactive can be done by focusing on the circle of influence rather than on the circle of concern.

To explain well the habit of being proactive, it is good to learn the opposite of it which is being reactive. Being reactive is taking a passive stance that everything is happening to us like we are a victim and as if we cannot do something about it.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

I took a certification exam and it is under time pressure. There were problem solving which will take me so much time just reading the scenario. But when I got into the question part, I realized I can answer it without fully reading the scenario. Knowing the question or requirement first will save us time and resources. Same with real life, we might find ourselves being caught up in busyness realizing it will not lead to the goal that we want.

It is about having clarity on what you really want to achieve. Every task and efforts should be evaluated if it is contributing to the objective you want to achieve. This may be a simple principle, but a lot of people are neglecting this. 

Habit 3: Put First Things First

Most of the time, it is really hard to wake up early and exercise. Well, we may opt not to exercise for the meantime, even though it is important for us to be healthy because it is not urgent.

Putting first things first is not only about focusing on what is urgent, but it is about focusing on what is important. The main goal is not just about disposing urgent matters, but to avoid important things to become urgent. It means, managing important things even if it is not yet due. Do not neglect the importance of exercising, we don’t want it to be an urgent matter when there is a disease already.

That’s 3 out of 7 habits to be a better person and be happy. The first three habits will move you from dependence to independence.

Habit 4: Think Win Win

Many people think that a good negotiator will win in an agreement without considering the other parties. Both parties should be winning or in a mutually beneficial side of any transaction or there should be no deal at all.

Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Have you caught up yourself that you were rehearsing in your mind what to say and neglected to listen intently when someone is talking?

I believe the preceding habit can only be done through this habit. Avoid listening to reply and start listening to understand. Start by listening rooted in empathy. Seeking to be understood first may let you win, but listening to understand first will also let the other party win.

Habit 4 and 5 of 7 habits to be a better person and be happy will engage you to interdependence.

Habit 6: Synergize

There are people that are good at numbers while some are artistically creative.

People have different skills, talents, perspectives and values, but anchoring on those differences will give new opportunities and possibilities. If we let the two work together, they may complement and cover what the other parties weaknesses through their own strength.  A good example, my sister is good at cooking while I am good at eating. Okay, just kidding.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

It is about preserving, enhancing and growing our greatest asset, ourselves. All other habits will only be possible if we take care of ourselves. It is helpful that the author have categorized the areas that we should focus on, namely, physical, spiritual, mental and social. 

Learning or sharpening the saw is a lifelong journey. You have a good start as you know these 7 habits to be a better person and be happy. If you have found this book review helpful and valuable, join me in my book club for free. You will receive book reviews and other articles exclusive to book club members by clicking here or by visiting kevinumali.com/free. 

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