Consistency Challenge

I was inspired by Seth Godin’s daily blog. He started his blog in 2003 and he almost never missed a day of blog post since then. 

This is also something I learned about consistency from the story of Jerry Seinfield. He is a comedian who is estimated to have a $950 Million of net worth. His habit is to write a joke every single day.

I am starting this personal challenge of writing and posting a blog every day. Here are some of the rules I set for myself:

  1. Keep everything simple.
  2. My deadline is 9pm everynight
  3. If I have no access on the internet, (i.e. I am in the farm of my grandparents) I will just write my blog post in my journal and post it online once the internet is available.
  4. No to perfection. I will just publish a blog every day.

The benefit of being consistent in one thing is that it will also help you to be consistent in other area of your life.

If you want to join or follow me in this challenge, join me in my newsletter at