How to Have Stronger Will Power

I am on the 8th day of my 100 day challenge of creating content every day. One of the reasons that I started this challenge is to have stronger will power.

It is really hard to make our will stronger. When was the last time you said you will have a healthy diet? How many days did you stick to that healthy diet? How many times you said to yourself that you will start saving and will not spend impulsively? If you have made it, then congratulations. If not, here are the tips to make things happen even if your will is weak.

1. Make things automatic

I have automated my budgeting so that I don’t have to rely on my will to save money. I can also spend guiltlessly because the automated budgeting allowed me to have access to my disposable money.

2. Associate with the right people

We human beings tend to fit in. Our will is weaker than our association. So associate with people who is better than you.

PS: Our will is free, so use it wisely 🙂

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