These 3Fs can guide you on how to live your life to the fullest.
- Family and Friends (Relationship)
- Fitness (Health)
- Freedom ( Passion and Profit)
You cannot truly live your life to the fullest if you will neglect one of the 3Fs.
Imagine, making money by doing what your are passionate about but you are not healthy and do not have energy to enjoy it. Would you still be happy? I remember a saying, “a healthy man has a thousand wish but a sick person has only one”.
What would you feel if you can do your passion profitably and you are at the top of your health but you are fighting with your family or friends or you cannot spend enough time with them?
Remember, you do not have to choose one over the other, you can have them all.
Most of the lessons I have shared here came from the book: The Millionaire Fastlane.
This is my first post in my personal blog. I am not a guru but just a curator or aggregator of wisdom that will help me in living life to the fullest. If ever you liked or learned something from this blog post please join my book club HERE.
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As a personal challenge, I will post everyday for the next 100 days. #dailykev 🙂