
I encountered the term Kanban in productivity. To simplify, it is like a visual board wherein you transfer each tasks from one bucket to another bucket. The suggested buckets are:

  1. Requested
  2. Work In Progress
  3. Done

I appreciate this Kanban system as it helps in prioritization.  You should create a subhierarchy or level of prioritization within each bucket. You can focus on working on what is priority. I have observed that it is easy to just inject items for priority. The list of priority tasks is increasing without really realizing the true meaning of prioritization. When we prioritize one task, another task will be deprioritized. When you can visualize the prioritization, it removes anxiety and mental load due to pressure.

As a quick history, this Kanban system originated from “Toyota Production System (TPS)” as a scheduling tool for their lean manufacturing. 

Here are the good source of Kanban lessons:


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