Lessons from Charlie Munger by Alex Hormozi

  1. Invert thinking – think the other way around
  2. Ingest chemicals – don’t ingest chemicals to change mood or productivity
  3. Envy – being envious is a way to suffer. There will always be someone better than you
  4. Resentment – avoid resenting others. Resentfulness is also a way to suffer
  5. Overspending your income – live below your means and increase your income
  6. Unreliable – be reliable and everything will follow. Just do what you say you will do
  7. Learn – from your mistake, from mistake of others and from mentors
  8. Quit early –  you will experience challenges so quitting early will make you miserable

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Other lessons from Alex:

  1. Handle pressure
  2. Practice negative visualization
    1. If something bad will happen for 1,000 times, will feel the same way? If not, then feel the same feeling at 1,000 th time in the first time
    2. Expect the worst, so you won’t feel miserable on any possible outcome. Any good outcome is a bonus
    3. Everything will turn into a mist at the end. Nothing has meaning. Our brain is a meaning machine making. ” We suffer more in our imagination than in reality.”

Four habits of Alex:

  1. Plan the night before
  2. Wake up at 4 am
  3. Eat the same thing everyday
  4. Adjust your bed time by going to bed earlier.