The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod Book Review, Summary and Notes

If you would like to transform your life, this book is a good guide. It will help you to improve every aspect of your life. By setting aside time every morning to develop yourself, you can turn every aspect of your life into success.

The Miracle Morning is composed of 6- step morning routine using 6 Life S.A.V.E.R.S. : Silence, Affirmations, Visualizations, Exercise, Reading and Scribing.


This practice includes, meditation, prayer, reflection, deep breathing and gratitude. Benefits are stress reduction, better concentration, metabolism, improves self awareness and clarity. Better if you do this not on you bed.


Words are powerful. By managing your self-talk, you can program your sub-concious mind. You can program yourself to be confident. With repitition, your sub-concious mind will believe your self talk. Tap into emotion while you read or say your affirmations.


Rehearse your success in your mind as if it is already happening. Imagine what you want to achieve. It also includes mentally rehearsing what you’ll need to do to achieve it.


Movement will boost your energy and elevate your health. Do exercise everyday even for a few minutes.


Learn from the people who already got what you want. The fastest way to achieve what you want is to model success people who already have what you want.


Document your ideas, insights and opportunities. Make sure to also review your journal regularly.

How to not snooze your alarm

  1. Set intentions the night before
  2. Move you alarm clock away from your bed
  3. Open the light right away
  4. Brush your teeth and wash your face
  5. Drink a glass of water
  6. Change clothes or take a shower. Better if you can set a timer for your bedroom heater.

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